Contacts, please share with schools and WVEIS 2.0 users:
As part of an immediate effort to address as many questions/issues as possible, WVDE has been able to identify a group of people to offer assistance. For questions about “How To” or “Best Practice” we have created additional Help Desk links to correspond with the 4 quadrants established a few years ago. Below is a map of the quadrants to for reference and can be shared with all. These desks are for WVEIS 2.0 only.

WVEIS 2.0 Quad 1
| q1wveis2@help.k12.wv.us
WVEIS 2.0 Quad 2
| q2wveis2@help.k12.wv.us
WVEIS 2.0 Quad 3
| q3wveis2@help.k12.wv.us
WVEIS 2.0 Quad 4 | q4wveis2@help.k12.wv.us |